짜요 목장 이야기(외전)

4.1 ( 591 ratings )
Соціальни мережі Ігри Аркади
Розробник: Lee Sang-Min

Marie erect a corral for revenge.
Work hard for Marys revenge!
Great workers working for 10,000 years!
Will "Mary" can be a star in the dairy industry?

No.1 in the dairy industry, Mr.Betray has established a seven clans farm with Marys father.
As soon as it expand as mid-size company, Mr.Betray change his companies name to "milk farm" and betray Marys father.
Soon Marys father passed away. Mary heard this sad story related with her father and she joined the dairy industry for reveng

▣ Easily managerable farm
- Place animals on the field and upgrade for produce dairy goods.
- Hire and upgrade cowhand to increase producing amount at farm house.
- Sell dairy goods and get rewards by using milk tank.

▣ Highly adicctive game system
- unstoppable collectig dairy goods.
- Early involvement provided by producing and collection.
- Workers will work for you at all times as long as you are in the game.

▣ Manage your own farm
- Create additional income by buying a ranch with revenue by selling Dairy goods.
- Milk production and pasture development through sales revenue.
- Shoot wolf for obtain money and milk crystals.

▣ Quest & Ranking systems
- Solve the quests and achievements for gain special rewards!
- Determining a ranking of the other user via the milk product sales comparison.

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